

What is Bufo Alvarius and 5-MeO-DMT?

“Bufo Alvarius” is an amphibian of the Bufonidae family, is a toad that lives in the Sonoran desert in Mexico and from which organic 5-MeO-DMT is extracted. It is a substance that is extracted through its parotid glands, This is a species that hibernates ten months underground and comes to the surface only in rainy seasons to eat and reproduce, it is important to mention that to obtain this substance the toad does not suffer or die, only the toxin is collected and the toad is released, but it is very difficult to obtain it since it seldom comes to the surface except a few times a year.


 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltriptamine) is known by several names like Bufo Alvarius, Medicine of the Sapito or The Molecule of God, but no matter what we call it and without fear of lying we can say that it is the most powerful entheogen in the world. Scientific studies have been conducted where it has been found that 5-MeO-DMT, like other tryptamines, promotes the re-absorption of serotonin and melatonin, causing changes in the perceptual sphere and is considered as a neurotransmitter since it has been found naturally in the brain and is known as “brain food”. This neurotransmitter is produced naturally by the pineal gland during important moments in the life of a human being, it has been found that there are massive releases of this substance in a natural way at the time of birth and death, but it is also produced in small quantities during positive moods and in the stage of deep sleep or REM phase. It is also important to mention that it has been scientifically proven that its use does not cause any type of addiction, since it is not for recreational purposes, rather it breaks addictions a person has to any type of substance, emotional attachments and compulsions and is currently used as therapy in rehabilitation centers. Returning to the topic, the toxin that is obtained from the glands of the toad is put to dry in the sun to crystallize, this process usually takes several hours while it dries and hardens.


The BUFO Experience:

The medicine of the toad is administered through a glass pipe where it is exposed to fire and combustion so that it can be smoked since in this way the 5-MeO-DMT travels directly to the brain and allows the participant to experience in a few minutes one of the most profound, healing and liberating experiences that someone can have in life.

Once the 5-MeO-DMT is consumed the participant immediately experiences a dissolution of the ego and loses all awareness of the environment and the physical body to enter a deep journey into the interior where he can experience a connection with the deity, with the universe or the whole, no matter how you conceive the experience! It shows you a unity and energy connection that is ineffable, it is an unconscious process that each participant experiences where there is a catharsis that allows to immediately release all unconsciously accumulated stress from all the experiences one has lived.


In the words of the participants themselves we can say that “there are no words” in order to explain such a meaningful, revealing and divine experience, the only words that we as facilitators of medicine can share with you is that they surrender to the experience without judging to allow liberation of the greatest amount of accumulated negative energy and in this way be able to be literally reborn to enjoy life more fully. Although the participant loses all notion of time, which may seem as much more or perhaps less then has actually elapsed and at the end of the experience the participant begins to integrate consciousness and reality again, finding new feelings and emotions that allow him or her to enjoy of a deep happiness, peace and tranquility and to put in perspective the life as until that moment he/she has lived it finding clarity and concentration to focus his/her efforts to the things of true value, starting with the changes that come in oneself.


The medicine of the toad favors the healing and regeneration of the body by stimulating the immune system which accelerates the healing of certain diseases, particularly those created by emotional trauma, since most diseases have an emotional root. This means that if we eliminate the origin of the disease the body can self-heal itself.


After having consumed the 5-MeO-DMTt the participant experiences sensations of a deep release of their traumatic emotional burdens, (stress), bringing sensations of well-being and the most important part of  the process a purification and release of stress that will continue for several hours and sometimes even for several days.

The participant finds that his or her ego was fractured, reduced or minimized, allowing in this way to appreciate and value everyday things with more intensity. On the other hand, depending on the degree of physical, mental and emotional submersion of the participant, this can expel toxins that have been accumulated within the  body for years.

5-MeO-DMT activates the pineal gland, stimulating the proper functioning of the body’s immune system, causing physical, mental or emotional suffering to self-correct and heal. It has also been scientifically proven that the consumption of 5-MeO-DMT does not cause any type of addiction, but quite the opposite, since it is usually used to break addictions, attachments and compulsions.


Food PreparationsOne day before ceremony: Last food intake no later than 6pm
Day of ceremony: Very light, smoothie, juices, coconut water. 
 Arrive to location 
PhysicalBody movement, QiGong, Mitakara, Breathwork. 
OpeningMeditation and prayers to open ceremony and intention settings – 15 minutes 
CeremonyWe will meet the medicine 2 times in the ceremony.  The first round is a gentle meeting to get to know the medicine and the second round is a deeper meeting.  During each round, we will be working with you with channeled sounds, light to deep touch.   Each round can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the situation.  Usually for 2 participants, the entire ceremony is between 3-5 hours. 
 Please bring the following: 
Something to lie on.  Yoga mat, thin mattress and bedding for the night. 2 liters water bottle, personal power object or crystal to put on alter, Flowers of offerings to alter, Fruit to offer to alter.